Friday, March 4, 2011

New and Improving

Welcome to my new web home. It seems everything is getting more expensive these days. If you have an automobile that requires fuel so you can leave your driveway you know exactly what I'm talking about. It seems whenever fuel goes up everything else increases. I am trying not to pass along increased expenses to my clients. I decided to give up the website and licence for my domain to reduce my expenses so I can continue to offer a quality product at an affordable price.

I am in the process of reestablishing this site. It may take me a while. Those who know me know that I have a tendancy to change my mind a lot. I use to blame that trait on being a Gemini but since all the planets have realigned I can no longer use that as an excuse for my split personality. I'll just have to blame the entire universe now since it's all out of balance.

I do have some exciting plans on the horizon to which will include some cool portrait experiences and opportunities. I'll be doing some trial runs on some possible future offerings this weekend. Hopefully pictures to post as well! It's an exciting time.

Check back!!!

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