Friday, October 21, 2011

Sweet Sassy Sunshine

Alex - Class of 2012
Alex is near and dear to our family. She has been hanging around the house for a few years now and every time she comes in the door she's a huge ray of sunshine. I would have been insulted if she didn't ask me to do her senior pictures. We had a lot of fun.

Alex is one of the most beautiful girls in the whole world. She's gorgeous on the oustide but you can't help but fall in love with her sweet pure good spirirt with a little stubborn mixed in.

Vinnie was honored to be Alex's prom date last year and we had so much fun taking prom pictures. Here's one from prom. I think she must have been the most beautiful girl in the room especially with this purple polka-dotted dress that just screamed Alex!

The perfect couple.

And...Always Daddy's little girl.